Full Name
Jean-damien ROLLIER
Job Title
Data Science and AI Department Manager
SBM offshore
Speaker Bio
Born in Montpellier, south of France and Graduated from French Engineer school “Arts et Métiers” (ENSAM) in 2001. A higher education institution specialized in mechanical and manufacturing engineering. I specialized during my final year, in the energy sector and carried out in parallel a master in energy conversion with Paris VI University. My first engineer job was at the SINTEF Energy Research Center in Trondheim (Norway). As a research Engineer, I was studying risers’ multiphasic flow for STATOIL. I went back to France to start a PHD for Renault at the Center for Energy and Processes of Paris Mines (ENSMP) in Sophia Antipolis. During four years as a research engineer, I worked on “Hydrogen synthesis by gasoline plasma reforming”. I designed, built a test bench and confronted live results to thermo-kinetics models. But at the time the Hydrogen and fuel cell use for car faced some economical and technical limitations. I went back to the energy sector and worked as a process engineer at the French Petroleum Institute “IFP” close to Lyon. There, I was modeling Natural Gas Steam reforming for a European project dealing with hydrogen generation system with CO2 sequestration. A nice e
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